Helping businesses of all sizes succeed online
A shared purpose unites our Newfold Digital team and guides everything we do. Our mission is to power the success of our customers wherever they are on their journey. The strength of our company lies in the intersection of our people, our customers and our brands.
We leverage our breadth of capabilities and self-serve web resources to deliver a frictionless customer experience with expert, customizable support that fulfills the online needs of our customers with ease and flexibility.
Unfolding new possibilities for a connected world.
Be Genuine and Honest
Communicate openly and honestly with trust and respect for colleagues and customers. There is nothing more important than being able to trust each other’s word and being treated fairly.
Be Passionate and Relentless
Set high standards for excellence and go the extra mile when dealing with customers, always acting as if it is your own business.
Collaborate and Rely on Your Team
We get a lot more done together than we can do separately. Use the power of teamwork and collaborate with teams across the business to get things done for our customers.
Strive for Success and Celebrate it
We work with a sense of purpose and drive to succeed. We make sure that the time we spend at work fulfills us and gives us a sense of pride. We know that our strive for success can be stressful and we won’t always succeed. We celebrate our wins together and support each other in defeat.